SERPland Blog
PL/SQL Tutorial
TO_CHAR Oracle Function
Oracle Service Bus Tutorial: basing dbAdapter on Nested Object Type (Master-Detail)
PL/SQL Function Hash Algorithm - Oracle Hash Value
Oracle PL/SQL: VARRAY (Collection) manual filling and reading for processing
Interessant für Schweizer: Wirtschaftsinformatiker / Applikationsentwickler - Stellenausschreibung Landesverwaltung Fürstentum Liechtenstein - Februar 2008
Value analysis - Oracle Designer Forms Generator vs. Native Oracle Forms Developer (Nutzwertanalyse)
AWMano.exe SHOW(SQL_DATA) ORA-00600 SQL Error Problems
Die Bücher Empfehlungsliste für Oracle und Java Experten - Mein persönliches Buchregal als PL/SQL Entwickler
Naming and Coding Standards for SQL and PL/SQL - Some things I cant agree
why nobody uses Oracle's PL/SQL language
Design Patterns in PL/SQL (Oracle)
Decorator Design Pattern in Oracle PL/SQL: Using Object Type with Constructor
Oracle SQL Error: ORA-04052 error occurred when looking up remote object (ora-604/ora-2019)
Template Method Pattern implemented in PL/SQL
uml inheritance diagram: oracle numeric datatypes
using the anydata datatype in oracle
CASE expression in Oracle SQL statement
Oracle SQL: Summarize a calculated column (like a count(*) column) with ROLLUP
SQL Trace with Oracle Database
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Change subdomain with HTTPS to www and redirect (301) from HTTPS subdomain to HTTPS-WWW
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